Name: Jing
Segmentum: Ultima
Sector: Manifestum
System: Solenia
Population: 1,710,000,000
Affiliation: Imperium
Class: Frontier World
Tithe Grade: Exactis Tertius
Planetary Capital: Yujing
Planetary Governor: John McCaffery-Shen
Planetary Governor: John McCaffery-Shen
Frontier World Jingan Alternate Bonus:
Gate of the Unrelenting Fist
Along with all other uses of fate points, a Jingan character may spend one fate point to re-roll one missed melee per turn for any weapon or unarmed for a single encounter at the expense of one fatigue gained per encounter this ability is used.
Planet Jing
- Jing is a frontier world found in the Segmentum Obscurus of the Imperium near the edge of the south-western orientation of the sector. It is a land filled with vast prairies, freezing tundras, dry deserts, towering mountains, fertile grasslands, large oceans, and central cities. Its original human population hailed from ancient Terran colonists from two separate polities whose names have been lost to time. This mix is apparent in its current culture and varied genetic makeup of its inhabitants.
- At one point, desperate to leave Terra in the times before the Age of Strife began, a mixed independent coalition of two ancient nations' select elites and their workers funded a space colony mission that would use deep-freeze stasis to keep them alive until the journey to their new home concluded. It was assumed this journey would take hundreds to thousands of years and that the colonists would not return home. They brought with them their old knowledge and cultural artifacts into the great vessel and set the coordinates to a far off star that had been observed to be a veritable garden of a world that would easily accept new settlers. The vessel did not make it to this star. Rather, the on-ship computer malfunctioned mid-way to the original destination and instead turned on emergency protocols that would have it land at whatever livable world crossed its sensors.
- It drifted for millennia until finally sensing a world near the edge of a mid-conquered Imperial sector around nine hundred years ago from the current time. It landed on the planet with the last of its power being used up and with around 75% of the stored materials and resources destroyed by age or ruined conditions. The colonists woke up not to a verdant paradise but a wide sepia-tone colored landscape. This is where the first troubles began.
- After finding that their journey led them far off course that around half of the 250,000 strong expedition had died due to life support and stasis malfunctions they were at a loss of what to do. So they did what humans are known to do. Pass the buck and form separate groups and tribes squirreling away their grasped shares of technology, materials, food, and weaponry to mark out on their own. One of these groups that attempted to be more amenable and found a large following founded the settlement that would be later named Yujing after one of their founders and kept alive a society and culture that mixed and matched the original nations' that they had left. Those at the top of the hierarchy became the first settler nobility.
- Other groups would attempt to build other settlements or strike out in the wild on their own. Others would become predatory and rob from the different tribes forming essentially bandit kingdoms. Then there were the tribes that fell and never were heard from again having been unlucky enough to settle where a long-sleeping threat was waking up from.
- The technology that was able to be held by the prosperous settlements that were to become known as the great cities was priceless and any that could create more was worth the blood of thousands. In one of the settlements now destroyed and cast in shadow known as Qinhan, a great warlord rose named Elijah Cai that first gained a following after destroying several of the prominent bandit lords or forcing them into his service. He was determined to steal away the secrets the other tribes had kept that had allowed them to grow the cities in order to assure unity in the face of a possible Tiangaou invasion of the surface before the nature of the beasts were known.
- In the midst of his great horde's invasion, a rogue trader by the name of Norelia Isaaks had found the planet and began the work of unification. This was six hundred years in the planet's past. She began by leveraging the power of her ship and what Imperial weaponry and personnel she could afford and began talks with the separate leaders of the tribes upon the planet including Cai. Essentially she made her points clear. Point her way to any valuable resources such as promethium, STCs, or anything else that would be useful to her dynasty and she would smoothly transition Jing into the Imperium. Cai seemed to be in agreement and saw this moment as a way to gain power and gain the unity he needed. He also rather enjoyed the idea of being named the planetary governor. In the night, those hopes were dashed when it seemed as though the Cai Warhost had murdered a number of Isaaks' delegates. This had her return to the ship and smash the force with the thunderous force of her vessel's batteries along with devastating the city of Qinhan, to never be officially resettled again. Those that fled that were not destroyed either found themselves in new farmsteads on the frontiers of the planet, pledged their allegiance to the new powers of the planet, or took to banditry.
- In the aftermath, she made a deal with the coalition of cities that formed in the wake of Cai's rise that had begun trading and sharing cropland. There, she designated Yujing as the planetary capital, named the leader of the Coalition, Markus Yu, planetary governor and established a parliament made up of the original settler nobility and those that rose to prominence in the Coalition.
- Soon after led the Adeptes to do their work. The machine cult were found to be interested in the planet as well along with the interesting variant STCs that matched those in the possession of the Mechanicus. Their presence on the world insured a semi-Imperial world level of tech but only near the great cities, they established their shrines upon.
- This caused a level of disconnect between the cities and the frontiers where the further out one reaches the lower the tech-levels become from autocarriages to horse-drawn carriages. They would also be instrumental to the foundation of great manufactorums and installing devices to pump out the planet's supply of promethium. The new regime of the planet installed their great temples and quickly converted the inhabitants along with introducing Imperial institutions. The length of time it takes to travel to the planet and the not quite stable warp route along with its position near the edge of Sector Manifestum puts it in Frontier world territory even if those of the great cities live in Civilized World level environments.
The Frontier
- Those settlements that were established far away from the original landing site of the ancient colony ship were already a fixture upon the land before the new ordinance led to a great migration out from the great cities. This ordinance was put into place soon after Imperial unification had completed. With the increased stability caused by the new regime and the foundation of a new centralized parliament made up of the noble houses which also owned great parts of the planet's commerce and industry, a population boom occurred. These effects of this great increase was assumed to be taken care of by the Imperial Tithe that would take a great many of these bodies away from the planet and onto the battlefields of the God-Emperor. That did not happen.
- Along with the boondoggle turned Imperial policy upon Jing, the increased population was soon exceeding the demand for jobs with an oversupply by an exponential amount. This lead to overpopulation of the great cities and soon led to a lack of housing, poverty, crime, and great social unrest. To cure the tension of the crowds, the parliament of Jing created a new program that promised land and wealth for even the lowly out in the frontiers of the world. A great amount of land previously prospected for economic use was not being used due to the distance from the great cities and the contentment of the nobility to use their current holdings to increase their wealth and power. This included finding deposits of valuable metals, minerals, and promethium that lay unmined and untouched.
- What did not help matters was the power of the promethium barons, a cartel of like-minded nobility whose lands included the valuable resource that held a vice upon the use and acquisition of land containing the valuable resource. Their exclusive rights gave them power amongst the parliament as their contribution to the tithe was significant. They even had the ears of Imperial officials in the Administratum who could be persuaded to enact certain policies in their favor to the detriment of others in power. So, five hundred years before the current time, a great coalition wrestled control from them via numbers in order to enact the Frontier Expansion ordinance. "Wrestled control" may be a stretch as they were given many concessions including claims to extremely valuable prospected land they could be given if they began building settlements and extracting the land within a year. Other than those pieces of the world, the frontiers of Jing were able to be claimed by those willing to extract resources for return to the great cities.
- This worked marvelously as hundreds of thousands journeyed out from the great cities to stake a claim on this new land wanting the opportunity to free themselves of the manufactorums and squalor of the cities to make their own fortune. This solved the overpopulation problem and promised future profits for the settler nobility. A great many of those settlers fell in their pursuit of land to call their own. Many disillusioned by the promises they were told took up banditry and a number joined those old bandits warbands that found new wealth from robbing these settlers and the materials they gathered.
- However, a great majority found new homes and began mining towns, oil fields, trading posts, and the like expanding the reach of humanity on the planet. Some even joined those far settlements that spoke archaic forms of their tongue. Some looted those settlements and claimed the land as their own as Emperor-fearing citizens spreading civilization.
- Great railways were made that connected the great cities to these settlements in order to facilitate to the movement of resources back toward the great cities. and often the prosperity of a town was determined by whether a railway was built toward it. To the point of marking some settlements as ghost towns. Gigantic bidding wars and subterfuge were used by the new frontier gentry to ensure the connection of their towns to the great cities that even led to bloodshed and skirmishes. Railways are still being built today and they are often seen as equal blessings and portents of doom as the frontier gentry fight for the determination of who gets connected and who is left to wallow in the dirt.
- This great move outward was not only a boon, however. The mass movement woke the sleeping Tiangaou, and great masses of them spilled from the mountains and caverns they rested in to destroy the new civilization upon their world. This caused a large bloody settler war that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands. The planet's PDF was involved along with what they could spare of their airforce past the needed number of pilots and warplanes for the tithe. The event led to the formation of the Lip-Jan Rangers, an organization of professional scouts and soldiers created by the great cities to monitor and attempt to subvert and destroy Tiangaou movements. Along with this, they were used as state-sanctioned judge, jury, and executioner among the frontier to settle disputes, put down bandits that threatened the commerce of the settler nobility, and put an end to possible secessionist movements.
- That frontier war was known as the Bloody Wave and it permanently colored the culture of the planet. More invasions by the Tiangaou would occur along with sporadic smaller infestations but none was seen as terrible as the first. Though many still sleep beneath the surface.
- The frontier is still a constantly changing place filled with company towns, mining settlements, ranger stations, and a new ever-expanding network of railways. Along with squabbles from the gentry, bandits, and those from the deep.
The Lethe
- Jing was once dominated by a xenos race that xenoarchivists could only find being known as the Lethe. Due to some incident centuries in the past, what was a civilized culture had been turned into mutated feral beings. Writings were found in some ancient non-human tongue and art found deep within caves and the mountains on its surface depicting the fall of a civilization of odd cyclopic multilimbed albino creatures that had achieved a level of technology similar to the Age of Strife on Terra. In the depictions there appear to be figures in circles summoning arcane energies. These may have powered the civilization and the technology found. In hidden depictions, the energies seem to hide the shape of a white crow. These illustrations have been destroyed or taken away by inquisitors.
- In the Lethe's place are what are known as Scarlet Eyes but are locally known as "tiangou", seemingly mutated creatures with pack mentalities with more mental capability than simple beasts such as grox but less than a relatively "sapient" being such as an ork. Their white forms are interspliced with exposed muscle and glands creating jagged patterns all over their bodies. Interchangeably walking as quadrupeds or bipeds, tiangou are able to use simple tools as weaponry but the forms of their limbs are not conducive to firearms usage. The scarlops can fire venemous projectiles made out of a mixture of calcified and fibrous materials naturally made from their bodies through their eyes. They occupy mines and mountains and periodically come out of hiding to raid human settlements and caravans. The tiangou are kept in check by the "Lip Jan" or Hunters, an official organization also known as far rangers. The places they occupy are deep and dark and their true numbers are unknown. Their periodic attacks are not very large and settlers on a frontier should be equally worried that their fellow man would open up on them with revolvers in the night as much as a pack of tiangou destroying their villages and taking their possessions.
Trade Goods
- Jing gained prominence for resources within the planet surface. This included gold, precious minerals, and promethium. Another luxury good that was common due to xenos wildlife found on the planet was silk. Silk striders are horse-sized insects that range in the mountains and hills of Jing. They are difficult to domesticate and many a silk hunter has fallen to their razor-sharp mandibles. Their silk comes in the form of the larval coverings of their young.
Planet Outline
- There is a competition between the native nobles and rogue traders for the resources on the surface. In most fertile regions, there are three centralized cities. Vast metropolises that while not quite to the size of hives hold large amounts of the population. Out from these are various smaller settlements, farms, villages, company towns, and prisons. In the wildlands, numerous gangs of outlaws have arisen that prey upon the villages and farms. The cities are not free of crime either, as vast integrated organized crime cartels hide in the shadows of the towers.
- The planets main tithe to the Imperium's war machine is the promethium that fuels the various vehicles of the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Navy. Along with that are the Cranes, a regiment of pilots and flyers used for dogfighting, bombing, and reconnaissance. The formation of the Cranes is actually one of administrative mess-ups. When the Tithing of the planet was determined, the main tithe was initially going to be promethium and a light-cavalry regiment. However, the planet was mistaken for a military depot multiple times and eventually, the planet's designated tithe was for pilots and aircraft. This was initially very concerning for the inhabitants and the local government as their local factories had no machinery for warplanes. Indeed, it was a fluke that when the Tithing occurred that they had enough men and machines to satisfy the Adeptus Administratum. Now the Cranes are a cultural institution of Jing and often their PDF elements help the Lip-Jan rangers in scouting along with being used for attack runs during seasons of Tiangou horde uprises.
- The use of ranged weaponry, in an extremely rare change from most Imperial worlds, is outright banned in the cities of Jing. Those on the frontier and surrounding farmland may arm themselves as they please, but inside the metal walls, even the simple ownership of a firearm is punishable by hard labor and penal incarceration. The only groups able to carry a firearm in Jingan cities are noblemen, enforcers, and the Jing Tigers PDF. The culture of fighting in Jingan cities changed for both the common citizen, the merchant magnates, and criminal syndicates. It became based around melee techniques and the use of unorthodox ranged weaponry such as throwing weapons, simple bows, slings, and the like. As such, a number of different martial arts styles has grown including the decisive and hard-hitting Shiuniu style, the ultra-fast but efficient Shi Huo Ji style, and the disabling and grappling based Yuan style. Supplementing the fighting styles are domestically unique sets of equipment known as "fighting gears" which enhance the fighter's strength or give protection from melee weapons used by the more powerful or wealthy. These fighting styles are prevalent in the frontiers of Jing as well, although they are used in tandem with solid projectile and las weaponry along with a variety of different melee weapons. Las weaponry is highly prized on the frontiers where its recharging power packs facilitate logistics among the Lip-Jan, frontiersmen, and bandits. Solid projectile ammo can be made cheaply on the frontier but is also more prone to failure, hence the trend of using more reliable weaponry such as revolvers.
Yujing - Capital of Jing and largest city. Location of the main terrestrial port of the planet where Tithe is offered up.Caoking - The second-largest settlement and home of an abhuman ghetto.
Zhoujin The third-largest settlement on Jing and home to the Sun-Noctine noble family.
- House Sun-Noctine Originally a minor charter captain family, house Noctine rose to prominence via their mass expansion of aeronautica factories around Zhoujin. First seen as a daft entry into a niche industry that no one on Jing could reasonably afford or use except for the settler nobility, who could afford imported aircraft, that first investment proved to be extremely valuable. A bureaucratic mishap that requested aircraft be supplied by Jing; a resource to the Tithe that could not be kept by any of the houses. Except by House Noctine, who lorded over the other houses and the planetary government with extorted bribes and cheap land sales. In exchange, the rulers were able to pay a crucial portion of the first Tithe and not risk an Imperial crackdown. Wanting to share their good fortune and having their own factory properties they could convert to hosting aircraft assembly, the domestic House Sun, one of the settler noble families that centralized their power in Zhoujin, approached House Noctine with a proposition that marked their new partnership with the marriage of their houses' heirs. They have greatly expanded their reach since then and essentially have their own de-facto fiefdom in the great city and around the lands of Zhoujin. This once minor house is even considering staking a claim on new promethium finds to the chagrin of the established oil barony cartel that already exists. Zhoujin also now has direct ties to not only the Adeptes and the greater Imperium but also the PDF and the Imperial Guard. Planetary civil wars have been allowed by the Imperium before. As long as they didn't disrupt the Tithe nor had secessionist elements. Meaning the Sun-Noctines have a possible giant nest egg in the form of their assets as large contributors to the Tithe.
The Pingyuan Acres - The main source of food for the planet. The acres are a long stretch of plains containing massive plantations that ply and farm the soil. These Acres are found between Yujing, Caoking, and
Jingan Junker

Jingan Frontiersman


Skills Trade (Choose One)
Gear City clothing, poor-quality chrono, identity card
Keep your Head Down Junkers as city dwellers under a repressive regime tend to try to stay out of trouble. Those trying to use Stealth in a crowd of Junkers will gain a +10 to blend in with the rest for the purposes of hiding and shadowing. Those with the Face in a Crowd talent gain a +20 to stealth tests instead. However, they also tend not to be gossipy bunches to those they don't trust for fear of reprisal by their government or criminal elements so Inquiry tests take a -10 penalty.
Gear City clothing, poor-quality chrono, identity card
Keep your Head Down Junkers as city dwellers under a repressive regime tend to try to stay out of trouble. Those trying to use Stealth in a crowd of Junkers will gain a +10 to blend in with the rest for the purposes of hiding and shadowing. Those with the Face in a Crowd talent gain a +20 to stealth tests instead. However, they also tend not to be gossipy bunches to those they don't trust for fear of reprisal by their government or criminal elements so Inquiry tests take a -10 penalty.
Jingan Frontiersman

Skills Awareness, Survival, Trade (Agri, Cook)
Gear Padded Leathers, 18 Revolver Bullets, Nice Hat, Suspenders
Ways of the Frontier A Frontiersman can reroll on Survival tests.
Jingan SheriffGear Padded Leathers, 18 Revolver Bullets, Nice Hat, Suspenders
Ways of the Frontier A Frontiersman can reroll on Survival tests.
Skills Athletics, Awareness +10, Dodge, Intimidate, Scrutiny, Survival
Talents Disarm, Hardy, Quick Draw, Takedown
I'll Be the Fucking Sheriff Sheriffs may re-roll Scrutiny and Intimidate tests.
Talents Disarm, Hardy, Quick Draw, Takedown
I'll Be the Fucking Sheriff Sheriffs may re-roll Scrutiny and Intimidate tests.
Jingan Ranger (Lip-Jan)

Skills Athletics +10, Awareness +10, Dodge +10, Intimidate, Navigate (Surface) +20, Operate (Surface) +20, Parry +10, Scrutiny +10, Stealth +10, Survival +20, Trade (Cartogropher, Cook, Scrimshaw)
Talents Die Hard, Disarm, Double Team, Hard Target, Iron Jaw, Inescapable Attack (Ranged), Jaded, Nowhere to Hide, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Resistance (Fear, Toxic), Technical Knock, Step Aside, Hip Shooting.
Gear Blackened Imperial Guard flak armour, Brown Duster, Chrono, Magnoculars, Writing Kit, Chameoline Cloak Dataslate, Vox-Caster, Canteen, Cooking Kit.
Bushwacker Jingan Rangers gain +20 to Sealth tests when given ten minutes preparation time for an ambush. Further, on a Surprise Round, Rangers count their weapons as doing Vengeful (9).
Talents Die Hard, Disarm, Double Team, Hard Target, Iron Jaw, Inescapable Attack (Ranged), Jaded, Nowhere to Hide, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Resistance (Fear, Toxic), Technical Knock, Step Aside, Hip Shooting.
Gear Blackened Imperial Guard flak armour, Brown Duster, Chrono, Magnoculars, Writing Kit, Chameoline Cloak Dataslate, Vox-Caster, Canteen, Cooking Kit.
Bushwacker Jingan Rangers gain +20 to Sealth tests when given ten minutes preparation time for an ambush. Further, on a Surprise Round, Rangers count their weapons as doing Vengeful (9).
Jingan Ganger

Skills Athletics, Acrobatics +10, Dodge, Intimidate, Parry
Talents Lethal Weapon, Quick Draw, Swift Attack
Gear Cheap Suit, Pack of Lho Sticks, Lighter, Sunglasses, Wallet, Identity Card
Face In the presence of fellow gangers, the ganger gains a +30 bonus to Willpower tests involved in opposing Intimidate tests. In addition, a Ganger that is struck on the head region gains the Hatred talent for the target that did the damage.
Talents Lethal Weapon, Quick Draw, Swift Attack
Gear Cheap Suit, Pack of Lho Sticks, Lighter, Sunglasses, Wallet, Identity Card
Face In the presence of fellow gangers, the ganger gains a +30 bonus to Willpower tests involved in opposing Intimidate tests. In addition, a Ganger that is struck on the head region gains the Hatred talent for the target that did the damage.

Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Dodge, Stealth, Survival
Talents Hard Target, Iron Jaw, Double Team, Swift Attack
Traits Multiple Limbs (4)
Horde Pile When three Tiangou attack one target in melee, the third may follow-up their attack with a Grapple check as a free action.
Talents Hard Target, Iron Jaw, Double Team, Swift Attack
Traits Multiple Limbs (4)
Horde Pile When three Tiangou attack one target in melee, the third may follow-up their attack with a Grapple check as a free action.
Silk Strider
Skills Athletics +20
Talents Hardy
Larval Defense When a larva of a Silk Strider is attacked the Strider becomes Frenzied.
Crane PilotTalents Hardy
Larval Defense When a larva of a Silk Strider is attacked the Strider becomes Frenzied.

Skills Awareness, Acrobatics, Athletics, Charm, Dodge, Operate (Aeronautica) +20, Tech-Use
Talents Hotshot Pilot, Push the Limit, Skilled Rider
Gear Flight Helmet, Light Flak Coat, Respirator, Photo-Visor, Keepsake, Lighter, Box of Lho Sticks, Magnoculars.
Maverick Crane Pilots gain a +20 to Aeronautica tests in dangerous environments including gulches, valleys, canyons, and flying close to buildings. In addition, on a Jink reaction, if the pilot's aircraft is within 600 meters of the attacking foe and their front facing is pointed at the foe then they gain a +20 dodge.
Influence Cost: 4
Crane FighterTalents Hotshot Pilot, Push the Limit, Skilled Rider
Gear Flight Helmet, Light Flak Coat, Respirator, Photo-Visor, Keepsake, Lighter, Box of Lho Sticks, Magnoculars.
Maverick Crane Pilots gain a +20 to Aeronautica tests in dangerous environments including gulches, valleys, canyons, and flying close to buildings. In addition, on a Jink reaction, if the pilot's aircraft is within 600 meters of the attacking foe and their front facing is pointed at the foe then they gain a +20 dodge.
Influence Cost: 4


Strafing Run A pilot can string multiple hits to ground targets in a 25 meter target zone without the 2 meter limitation. The hits must be in order from the beginning of the zone to the end.
Crane Bomber


Bombing Run A bomber can select a 10x50 meter stretch of ground to drop one type of bomb upon in semi-auto attack. They must attack targets in order form the beginning of the stretch to the end.
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