Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dark Heresy 2: Malice Overhaul Part 5

Splat changes: Enemies Within, Without (Flyer/Skimmer changes), Beyond, Alternate Optional Damage Mod, Narrative Fluff

Hey I split this into five parts because of Blogger acting weird with its size.
Part 1 link: https://darkheresychainsofmalice.blogspot.com/2019/01/dark-heresy-21-fan-patch-in-work-big-wip.html
Part 2 link: https://darkheresychainsofmalice.blogspot.com/2019/06/dark-heresy-21-part-2-alpha.html
Part 3 link: https://darkheresychainsofmalice.blogspot.com/2019/08/malice-overhaul-part-3.html
Part 4 link: https://darkheresychainsofmalice.blogspot.com/2019/08/malice-overhaul-part-4.html
Part 5 link: https://darkheresychainsofmalice.blogspot.com/2019/08/malice-overhaul-part-5.html

Splat changes: Enemies Within, Without (Flyer/Skimmer changes), Beyond

Splat Changes
Enemies Within Changes

·      Penitents receive a +20 to their next test and as a third talent option can take Bodyguard from Enemies Beyond.

Enemies Without Changes
·      Dark Eldar Damage Fix Lower all Dark Eldar damage amount by the strength bonus of their characteristics once. An error occurred in the printing where it can be seen they have very similar damage values to their Only War counterparts, but the damage is technically using twice their strength bonus.
·      Eldar Power Sword Change Eldar Power Sword's damage to 1d10+5 Pen 4 with Razor Sharp quality to reflect flavor text (so artisanal and out of human reach it does one less damage than a dirty mon'keigh sword, huh?)
·      Incubi Change Remove the Killing Strike talent and replace with the Blademaster and Devastating Assault talents. They do not have fate points and as such Killing Strike has no use.

·      Hovering Altitude Change Skimmers, at hovering altitude, can change their height from 2 meters to 10 meters and still gain the advantages and disadvantages of hovering (skimmers more than 3 meters high cannot be hit by melee weapons)
·      Hovering Speed vs Flying Speed Actual rules to come in the future, but aircaft that are both Flyers and Skimmers have two different tactical speeds. Hovering speed is for skimmer usage and is generally slower but makes it easier to manoeuver and provide firing support, and Flying speed is for flyer usage. Until I come up with something, the tactical speed that is used in Rogue Trader is a good baseline for aircraft in hover mode using hovering speed, and the speeds in something like Enemies Without are a good baseline for aircraft using flying speed.

·      Hovering Speed and Flying Speed Conversions For an actual rule, count the Hover speed to Flying speed ratio as 1:50 as a baseline. IE, If an aircraft would have a tactical speed of 50m in its profile, count that as its Hover tactical speed. Then multiply that by 50 to achieve its Flying tactical speed, so in this aircraft's case it would be 2500 m. 
·      Example In Rogue Trader: Into the Storm, the Aquila Lander has a tactical speed of 24m. That would count as its Hover speed Multiply that by 50 to achieve its Flyer tactical speed of 1200 m. (I used its speed in Into the Storm and its speed in 2E to achieve this, this is not fool-proof).
·      Hovering Aircraft Rules Hovering speed aircraft use skimmer rules. Flying speed aircraft use flyer rules. Switch Arquebus and Flintlock flavor text

Enemies Beyond Changes
Hellrifle Change
Hellrifle changed to 1d10+8 Pen 8 20,000 Local Currency

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