Monday, July 22, 2019

In Memoriam: The Death of Adimus Nox

I had a die roll multiple times to determine who the chosen was going to attack. Once again, that player just has bad luck and got picked after getting his gob smacked with a shield holding the captive eye of a greater Tzeentchian daemon the dude clawed out himself. He gets back up after being stunned and left alone by the quasi-chivalrous beastmen and aspiring champions (hey their prophet is from feudal Knight world). The last party member who wasn't stunned by these folk, the khornates getting just absolutely lucky rolls, and critting them gets a speech and a genuine offer to join the prophet. I go a bit meta with it, but since in-character these people don't really have friends, hobbies, or much besides the inquisition and killing I try to convince them they're basically Khornates in all but name. They improve themselves to kill more accurately, they amass weaponry to kill more efficiently, and even their built-up knowledge is just to learn how to murder better. The difference between him and them, the prophet tells them, is that he isn't hiding behind pretension, self-righteousness, and lofty tomes to justify their conflagrations. Arbitrator Nox stands back up, and unfortunately even with a sound stummer utterly fails his stealth test. The prophet notices and welcomes him back in the fray. The psyker attempts one last ditch effort to save herself with the domination of the rest of the prophet's warband to attack him and make him waste his reactions. None get through. They receive help in the form of a radical inquisitor's special forces, an abhuman beastman clothed in carapace and wielding a bolter and chainaxe. This was a guest player. The warband is distracted enough. However, the prophet chooses between the two acolytes on death's door to attack. The die is cast. The arbitrator is to fall. He crashes down a halberd made from the claw of his patron, the Brass Prince, onto the arbitrator. His power sword is broken in half. He is skewered. The prophet does something odd. Pulling him along the rest of the polearm as the arbitrator sputters, he holds him in his last moments. He invokes a name that meant something greater to him when he was truly human. A regret. Nox takes this moment of weakness and knows he has only the strength for three more attacks. He makes the best out of them. With his power stake he stabs through the back of the champion four times with him none-the-wiser until the thing breaks through his malefic ebon armor, leaking ichor and showing the prophet's true form as a red ethereal mass within the armour. The runes around the prophet go blank and he goes limp. Arbitrator Nox takes the moment to kill off two more of the warband threatening the other acolytes. The prophet and the arbitrator are at a standstill. The prophet looks back up, and tells Nox he's more than what was expected, and falls to red mist as he is banished back to the warp for a time (and burns a fate point). Nox falls on his back. The psyker moves to him and Nox makes her promise to tell his brother what happened. She complies. He fades to black.

Now, canon-wise the next part is not uber legit but fuck it I wanted his death to be semi-okay. His skull is added to a real of brass, sulphur, bone, and blood. His fighting spirit aspect of his soul that defined him is Khorne's now. The rest of him broken, unknown, scared, but together awakes in a realm of confusion. He sees around him the rolling storm of the warp. Then he finds the warm comforting glow like a bonfire. The whisp finds his way to his true master.

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