Saturday, March 2, 2019

DH2E Character Cast: Inquisitor Fidele and his personal warband

Inquisitor Encenzo Fidele
Presiding Inquisitor: Inquisitor Encenzo Fidele
Ordo Hereticus
Puritan Thorian
Age: 142 (Rejuvenat 37)
Description: Tall, medium build, short black hair, golden skin tone, perfect teeth, voice tinged with his native Baroquian accent.
Home World: Baroquia (Feudal World)
Background: Adeptus Ministorum
Role: Hierophant

Origin: Once a lowly parish priest of his homeworld, father Fidele began a small-scale campaign against heretical elements found on Baroquia. He would use a mixture of fear-mongering, inspiring rhetoric, and agents as tools against Chaos. He was noticed by a passing inquisitor Zaid Morad, a Tallarnian inquisitor that held similar fervor to Ricasso and saw a kindred spirit in him and took him on as an interrogator. They worked together for decades until Morad deemed him worthy to take up the rosette. He has been an independent throne agent for twenty years, having taken interest in the “doomed” sector of Askellon. His headquarters are in Juno.

Don* Fidele is very influential and has a heavy presence on Juno with a fortress and a full organization. He receives promising recruits via allies. These allies either have debts to him, are cowed by his stature as a throne agent, or are proper friends that understand the gravity of his work. Ricasso is one to work while openly wearing symbols of the Inquisition and the Ministorum as he purges the unclean. He can be found leading the troops under his command on the ground. He is one to make grand inspiring speeches and can convince a crowd of millions to enact the Emperor’s will. He looks proudly upon those who openly take to the flamer and hammer that fully show the fury of the Emperor to His enemies. He does not disparage those acolytes that take to stealth and subterfuge but looks for fervor among his followers. As an agent of Ordo Hereticus, he looks for heresy in all of mankind. His cells of acolytes are accompanied by trusted, vetted, and fervent acolytes whom he personally trusts. These men and women tend to come from the Adeptus Ministorum, the Adepta Sororitas, the more religious Imperial Guard regiments, and the Missionaria Galaxia.

*Don is the title for priests on Baroquia, meaning the equivalent of "father" in other dialects.

Inquisitor Fidele's personal warband

Dies Irae- A sister of battle and the leader of the group when Inquisitor Ricasso is away. She is always ultra serious and humorless. Irae is a very frank, blunt, and straight to the point type of person. She is ultra fervent. She is easy to anger and her retribution is swift. She acts as the frank face of the group as the personification of the loud brimstone and hellfire approach puritans like to strike. She can back it up with supreme fighting skill as well. Along with that she creates and inspiring presence that could turn a hiver mob into a righteous group of zealots ready to purge at her will. Some say she has been personally touched by the Emperor. She almost always wears her intricate angel theme engraved power armour given by the Adepta Sororitas and a two-handed power claymore. She is being trained as an interrogator.

Lacrymosa- A redeemed death cultist. Lacrymosa is still obsessed with the idea of death and the things around it but no longer carries out ritualistic murders for her cult. She often strikes a low key fatalistic tone and often loves to mess with people by talking morbidly and cryptically. Lacrymosa often uses understated humor to lift the warband's spirits and to unnerve strangers. She wields a power-glaive and dresses in dark robes hiding maneuverable mesh armour underneath. She is also the warband's chirurgeon and uses a variety of poisons in her work. She likes her work.

Canta Firma- An ex-scribe of the adeptus administratum. Canta is the sage of the group. Her fighting skill is not great and she is the most flighty of the bunch, but she has an eye for information and logical analysis. She somehow finds going through piles of information and colossal tomes stimulating and she shines at information gathering. Otherwise, she is a nervous and shy person. She retained the administratum robes that she hides flak armour underneath. In combat, she can mainly be found behind the others, fearfully firing suppressive fire to allow the others to make kills.

S.R. Decc- Primaris psyker specializing in cryomancy. Ex-private eye now lending his investigational skills in both the material and immaterial to the inquisitor. Normally wears a hat, a dark grey button-up pressed suit coat, pressed pants, a black vest, white shirt, blue tie, black shoes, and keeps two signature customized stub automatic pistols hidden in his coat. The pistols are for show and to supplement the use of his powers. His psy-foci are specialized black gloves with ethereal materials built inside. He is middle-aged with a well-kept mustache, short trimmed hair, light blue eyes, and a medium build. He stands at 6'0". Inquisitor Fidele has a distant professional relationship with him. He understands Belle's uses but also is wary of him as a psyker. Ricasso attempts to show him respect but he treats him almost like a tamed wild animal that could pounce at any moment. He still has this idea in his head even after years of working with Belle who has shown to have a proficient amount of control over his powers along with being a strong asset with his non-psychically inclined attributes as well. Belle understands this and is honestly just happy to do similar work to what he did on his homeworld of Sagittarius as an investigator. Someone's got to do it. Belle found his powers emerge in his twenties and kept them secret. He understood if he wanted to survive he needed to submit himself to the black ships, but took a few years to train himself in order to maximize his survival and not be the unfortunates with no control that are executed before reaching Terra. His cryomancy powers have the benefit of imparting fatigue on targets thus making them suitable to subduing those he needs to interrogate along with allowing destructive power for targets he is required to purge. With self-awareness of his position in a puritan's warband he is also the most likely to act off-script and follow his own motives when he can afford to. Encenzo keeps him around to hunt other psykers. He is sometimes given the designation "psy-hound". On Sagittarius, due to his brave and brazen interactions in the criminal underworld to the point of straight up walking right up to crimelords and talking to them one night and busting them the next, he was known as "Stagger Belle". He is cool-headed, slow to anger, perceptive, and easygoing when he can be. He takes his work very seriously and although he is not physically the most imposing person he creates a presence through his will and personality that has cowed veteran criminals before. Belle loves to play up the wise old man act even if he is about a century younger than his Inquisitor.

(His appearance is based on the depiction of detective Oscar Clemmons from the Greg Rucka run of The Punisher but the voice I imagine [and come nowhere close to doing] is closer to the older raspier Danny Glover)
Cryomancy is from IraDeLucis's homebrew found here:

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