Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Underhive Travelling Table

Underhive Travelling 1d10 Rolls:
Day Traveling
1 Ganger Ambush
There is a large mining quarry in the acolytes' way. There are broken down salvaged machines and abandoned buildings. A small pool of black viscous fluid lies by one of the machines. This was once a promethium pump station. It is now the favorite ambush spot of hive gangers. There is one entrance and one exit. (Awareness +0 vs Stealth +0)
Success: The scene is too convenient. The vehicles are stationed as to provide cover against people coming in the only two entrances. One can hear the noise of mens with guns. (Roll initiative)
Failure: The acolytes pass by unaware (Surprise round)
Then out of cover a large group of gangers (30) begin to fire upon the acolytes with autorifles, flamers, and rocket launchers
(Reward: a common quality rocket launcher and 12 frag grenades)
2 Mutant Ambush
There a river of green glowing sludge. Across the sludge a broken down manufactorum stands. It has broken windows, destroyed walls, and dusty door frames. The river is nasty. The radioactive spill-off looks to radiate from the manufactorum like tendrils. The river is thin enough to jump.
(Operate Surface +0)
Failure: You drive straight up the ramp and make it off its edge. The green sludge looks to be far below you. Then, you start to dip. Unfortunately, you did not give yourself enough time or space to jump, and you land inside the toxic sludge and the vehicle starts to sink. 2D10 damage to car. 2D10 damage toxic to players if in contact.
Success: You drive around and line up with the ramp outcropping. You see the sludge below and know if you slip your cells are probably fucked. Cancer city. You rev up the engine, you drive straight forward as fast as you can. The Trautenberg leaps off the outcropping, the river looks to be right below you. You see your back wheels almost touch the river, but you make it across. Unfortunately, you also see yourself going full tilt at a wall. (Operate Surface +0) Success: You swerve the car sideways to slow down and absorb the impact. You bash into the wall, but you and the car is fine.
Failure: You are unable to control the car and crash right into the wall. The car takes 2d10 integrity damage and the players take 2d10 damage.

Foot steps come from inside the manufactorum. Out of the sides come shambling masses of corrupt flesh and gibbering mouths. They come with blade and gun and disgusting limbs. (30 mutants)

Inside, you find that the factory was once a specialty tox round manufacturer, although only some of the rounds are left.
(Reward: 2 tox clips for a weapon, materials for ten tox grenades)
3 Rat Attack
There is a dark tunnel. A steep mountain lies in the way. Going around will take most of the day. Inside the tunnel there is an old magrail track. No magrail car can be seen. More crude tunnels have been bored into the walls. They are large and unlike anything someone can make with tools or explosives. A group of mad red eyes stares. A horde of rats as big as mastiffs charges the acolytes. These rats are strange. They have bionic eyes, reinforced tails, and metallic claws. Behind them are monsters of rats, hulking things. They are terrible amalgams of flesh. Hundreds of rats fused together by rust and filth and connected by tails, wires, and cables. They act as monolithic beings with terrible unified purpose. Five of them block off the way. They screech awful high pitched wails. The horde attacks. (Reward: Auspex taken by rats)
4 Minefield
The way forward looks clear. The spine lies ahead/the gate awaits. The acolytes smell promethium and burnt metal, and find themselves in what looks like an old battlefield. Bones litter the field. You see what look like rusted, destroyed vehicles.
(Scrutiny +0: Success: You notice that the bottom of the vehicles seem to have been blown out, some look to have been lifted in the air.
Failure: You notice bullet holes in the vehicles)
A graveyard for autocarriages lies ahead. Several of them dot the landscape. Several pieces of rubble hide things buried in the ground. It's a minefield. (If fail, immediately struck by a krak mine) (If Success, can navigate through)
(Scrutiny -20) Success: You are able to navigate through the minefield
Failure: You hear the sound of bursting metal. There is a great force felt from underneath the car. Flame fills your vision. Then, all you hear is a loud whine as you are lifted into the air. You land on the ground and find yourselves bashed against the side of the car. It is on its side. The trautenberg has been subject to a mine explosion.
If the acolytes make noise in this minefield, a set of scout vehicles from the local hivegang will come out. These are the Monsoons. They have dyes that they use to make wind designs on their skin. This minefield is in their territory. If they come out, they will ask for a tax for passing through their land. A tank of promethium and a day's worth of food.
Near the end of the field, the acolytes find two vehicles of interest. The first is a destroyed chimera containing a symbol of a lightning bolt through a crown with dead gangers and ammunition (6 frag missiles, 1 missile launcher). The second is a large heavy APC that is not seen often. Inside are corpses wearing red robes and with missing bionics. Along them are what look like soldiers in gear not standard to the guard. Anything and everything that hasn't been ruined has been looted.
(Knowledge: Adeptus Mechanicus +0 or Imperial Guard -10)
1S: The vehicle is known as a gorgon, a specialized trench breaching vehicle used to break defensive positions. The people are clearly mechanicus tech priests. The soldiers are skitarii, the mechanicus aligned military usually found on their forgeworlds.
(Reward: Ability to gain some krak grenades)
5 Hivequake
The acolytes find themselves traveling across a dead plain Then they feel a shudder. The car shakes and violently vibrates. They hear the sound of deep cracking. Then they find the ground shift under them. Crevices are being made in the ground. A hivequake erupts. Suddenly, a large clump of metal that looks to be of the underbelly of the main hive breaks from the roof, and hurtles down toward them.
(Operate +0) Success: The metal slams right in front of them but with quick driving the driver quickly sidesteps the peril and go racing off.
Failure: The metal thing slams right on top of the Trautenberg, hurting machine and passenger both. 2D10+10 damage to vehicle. 2D10 damage to passengers.
A crevice opening up in front of them. There is a widening gap. They need to launch themselves across.
(Operate +0) Success: The driver places their foot down on the pedal as hard as they can. The metal and engine of the vehicle scream from the effort. They launch across. Around you the cracking of earth can be heard. The front of the autocarriage looks like it's too far from land, and it starts to dip. The vehicle makes enough air that it finds solid footing after a heavy thud. The party then speeds off.
Failure: The driver drives in a panic toward the ramp. Unfortunately, they keep swerving and jutting around and the speed doesn't look like it's enough. The vehicle lift up in the air, and the party finds themselves sailing across the gap. Then the back of the car dips. The whole of the autocarriage starts to fall into darkness. (Use grapnel and line or fatepoints to get across)
The ground continues to shudder with deep vibrations. The earth in front does not shift.
6 Wyrd Attack
The acolytes find a living settlement. People going about their day. Fungus farmers bring in a harvest and craftsmen craft. The people treat the acolytes well, offer them water and food (and promethium). Then the ringing of a bell can be heard. The people of the village drop their work and go right in. They ask the travelers to join them. If the acolytes resist, a “village elder” (warp-priest) casts the suggestion power to get them in. Inside looks to be a pretty standard temple. Pews, an altar, a large book on a pulpit. A priest goes up the pulpit, waits for the villagers to be seated, and starts reading. It doesn't sound like any Imperial Creed reading they've ever heard. Then the priest holds the book out, and says “Let this truth strengthen our faith”. Inside the book, you see some sort of icon made of jewels. It turns to be so much more.
The viewer see a vision of an abomination, a goat headed man with the robes of the ministorum, preaching to a congregation of similar abominations and mutants. This looks like an unholy perversion of a normal Imperial sermon. What does that mean though, for the fools in the pulpits that spread drivel and lies about the corpse on a chair. The Emperor is no god for he is dead, humanity is not his flock but chattel for the wizened and powerful to steal from, lie to, and kill. The hypocrites in their grand towers preach what are probably rambling writings of a mad man. They only want you to comply and bow before them. That fool you call a handler is weak; why else would they need you to do the dirty work of the Inquisition? The face of your inquisitor smiles down on you, treats you like lapdogs, and knows you hang on his word though he spouts lies. Why should you bow to them or any carrion lord? Are you not stronger and better than any of them? You constantly prove you are. You deserve someone better to lead you. There is a true master that can show you the truths of the universe, and if you would only bend the knee you would be powerful beyond your wildest dreams. The Lord of Change. He will whisper sweet truths in your ears, and you will exceed any mortal man in your knowledge and strength.
(Willpower -10)
(Willpower -20 for cursed characters)
Success: You break yourself from the spell. Bow? Bow to who? The only true master of mankind is the God-Emperor who through his painful, exhausting, but noble goal shields man from monsters such as this “lord”. You see the icon and the book for what it is. Some warp possessed thing sent to steal men's souls. The congregation looks at you angrily, and you see their corrupted bodies for the first time. (Use warp priests in DH2)
Failure: 1d10 Corruption; Yes, the icon speaks truth. I am perfection. I am the best mankind deserves. I do deserve to rule. I will take my side by the Lord of Change. If only these bastards would not hold me back. (Turn on companions)
(Reward: Aetheroscope)

7 The Narcissus
Acid rains spills from the ceiling, the residue from manufactorums above. The acolytes risk the metal of the trautenberg being corroded (2d10 ap 6). There is a cave that you see however, some hole made in the bedrock of the underhive.
In the cave is an old mining complex. Rusted minecarts and broken equipment litter the area. A grand excavation is built on one specific route, larger than any of the other routes. Going forward, you find something that looks to be a small bunker. The door is open.
Inside the bunker there are mounds of bones. The dust of years of decay. There is some tall thing set on a table with a cloth covering it. Removing the cloth is a mirror. It looks valuable. It is set into a frame surrounded by silver. If the acolytes look into the mirror, they find themselves draw in.
(Willpower -20) Success: You look past it and look at this mausoleum of a place
Failure: You look into the mirror. You find yourself looking at a vision of perfection, yourself. You are beautiful, strong, and graceful. You find yourself unable to look at the mirror, but you don't want to. This version of you makes you very happy. An ocean of euphoria erupts in your mind, and keeps you looking at the mirror. You then realize your companions are beside you, and think how dare they share in your glory. Only the perfect may look on perfection. You go to attack your friends. 1D10 corruption
(Willpower -20) Success: You break out of your stupor, but can't force yourself to look away from the mirror. It's impossible. It's the best thing you have ever seen. Even the visage of the Emperor himself or the Omnissiah's greatest mysteris pale in comparison
Failure: You are enraged now in a frenzy. They must die for transgressing on your perfect image. 1D10 Corruption
(Willpower -20) Success: You finally break away, and you feel like an obscura addict torn from his source of pleasure.
Failure: You are stuck in this stupor. Everything falls away. Time, space, food, drink, and drink. They all fall away, except for the mirror. (1D10 Corruption)
If the acolyte's companions pull them away, they must make a strength test to resist and a willpower test to break out of the stupor
This mirror is the “Narcissus”, an artifact “blessed” by a Slaaneshi daemon. It shows the beholder the most perfect exquisite version of themselves. It drives them to violence against anyone else who would look upon them.
Breaking the mirror will shatter its hold. When broken, a pink smoke and ash rise into the air, and the laughing of a far off voice can be heard. Behind the mirror is an aetheroscope held by a long dead explorer, a victim of the mirror.
Reward: Aetheroscope
8 Traveling Group
A group of torches blaze in the black night. Ten pilgrims with packs on their backs. They hail acolytes. They introduce themselves as exiles for one reason or another. The leader of their group calls himself Zachariah, and offers to trade promethium for rations. He has been carrying a full tank for days looking for traders but hasn't had the ability to until now. He also asks if they could stay the night. They have been traveling for such a long time and this looks to be the only shelter for miles.
If the Acolytes Say Yes:They stay the night and leave promptly in the morning.
If the Acolytes Say No: Some become agitated and have to be calmed or intimidated into submission
(Use Devotees from DH Core Rulebook)

9 The Monster
The acolytes find themselves at the lip of a series of valleys. It runs for kilometers either way. There does seem to be an exit on the other side of the valleys. If they enter, they find themselves in a maze of sorts. You did see from your vantage point before you entered the valleys that there is an exit.
As you travel through, you start to hear a deep rumbling of the earth. Chips and rocks fall from the walls of the valleys. The shape of the place makes acoustic echoes of deep bassy steps. You think you hear deep breathing. Then a horrid wail that assaults the ears.
Out of a valley, a large beast rumbles toward you. Looking like some large abomination of fish, reptile, and bird, the thing roars at you and charges with a massive mouth of fangs and four arms of razor sharp claws (Regen 5) (Razor Sharp) (2d10+5) Check Carnosaur in DH1
You have triumphed. The beast lays dead, strangely colored ichor pools around it. Its mouth lies open and its eyes are rolled back into its head. From the fight, you know this thing has pretty tough flesh. It would be the envy of hunters to have such a prize.
Reward: Survival +0 for hide to make hide armor
10 Redemptionists
The acolytes find an old road. The paint has been chipped away and the concrete has become rubble. It seems to be leading to some forgotten hab block. The ground starts vibrating. A deep shaking of the earth begins. A hivequake is occuring. The hab block looks stable.
If the acolytes walk inside, they ignition flames pointing their way. A group of crazed individuals in ragged robes wearing signs of the Imperial Creed and weapons have taken refuge here. They start shouting benedictions and shouting about heretics, when the leader amongst them walks forward. He is suspicious of the acolytes and accuses them of being heretics (Charm/Intimidate/Deceive +0 vs Willpower +0 to convince him they're not) Success: He tells his followers to lower their weapons.
Failure: The crazed men let loose their weapons, screaming praise unto the Emperor
In the morning, you see that you have slept through the hivequake. The redemptionists have left.

(Reward: They find 2 days worth of promethium for the Trautenberg and a flamer that has been left behind with 3 tanks)

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